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Northern America北美Maxcess业务的新领导力
点击次数:846 更新时间:2018-04-26

Northern America北美Maxcess业务的新领导力
俄克拉何马城,好。Maxcess是网络处理行业创新产品和服务的,已将Dan Crofford推动为北美副总裁。在这个新角色中,Crofford将监督北美业务,以确保在购买过程的每个阶段为客户提供积极的体验 - 从*次通话到zui终交付。
Maxcess公司执行官Greg Jehlik表示:“在Maxcess工作期间,Dan一直致力于深入了解我们的产品,人员,运营和机会。“作为地区,他将利用这些关系确保我们超越北美客户的期望,并与领导团队合作,在范围内提供一致,积极的体验。”
Maxcess通过方便地访问世界各地的创新产品和服务,帮助网络处理行业实现生产力zui大化 通过汇集Fife,MAGPOWR和Tidland等品牌,Maxcess建立了一个的应用专家网络,拥有超过170年的丰富经验,帮助客户提高世界各地的效率和生产质量。
Oklahoma City, OK. – Maxcess, a global leader in innovative products and services for the web handling industry, has promoted Dan Crofford to Vice President North America. In this new role, Mr. Crofford will oversee North American operations to ensure a positive experience for customers at each stage in the buying process - from first call to final delivery.
Mr. Crofford has gained considerable knowledge of the web handling industry and the operations of Fife, MAGPOWR and Tidland during his 16 years with Maxcess. As Corporate Controller and Vice President Finance – North America, Mr. Crofford managed the financial objectives of the organization and facilitated the development of strategic growth plans by working closely with operational leaders around the world.
“During his time with Maxcess, Dan has worked to develop a deep understanding of our products, people, operations and opportunities,” said Greg Jehlik, CEO of Maxcess. “As a regional leader, he will use these relationships to ensure that we exceed customer expectations in North America and collaborate with the global leadership team to provide a consistent, positive experience worldwide.”
Maxcess helps the web handling industry maximize productivity with convenient access to innovative products and services worldwide. By bringing together the leading brands of Fife, MAGPOWR and Tidland, Maxcess has built an unrivaled network of application experts with over 170 years combined experience to help customers improve efficiency and production quality anywhere in the world.

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